You Know You’re the Parent of a Toddler When…

“They say” being a parent is the most rewarding job of all. It is…until it’s not. You know you’re the parent of a toddler when… You watch your TV shows or movies in 15-minute intervals, having to rewind multiple times. To sit down and watch a show or movie without interruption may be a dream of yours. You realize it’s Thursday and you are still wearing Tuesday’s yoga pants. To top it all off, you haven’t showered. On average when leaving the house, you look like a hot mess, but at least your kids look cute. Your vocabulary seems to have evolved to only include the words, “No,” “Stop,” “1-2-3,” and “That’s Enough!” You can multi-task like Martha Stewart on steroids. You can remember a time when you have driven somewhere and upon arrival you have no clue how you got there. After all, you are always distracted. You are sicker than you have ever been in your life. How do they seem to catch everything and then share it with us?! You would do almost anything—maybe even gladly give away your first-born child—for a moment of peace and quiet. This may include locking yourself in a closet… You know what it is like to literally drop to the floor from the pain of stepping on a small toy. You have started bargaining with God, If you just [stop this tantrum, make my child go back to sleep…], then I will… You use the word “poop” multiple times a day: Is that poop? Do you need to poop? Why did you poop in your pants? Why won’t you poop on the potty? You are driving in the car alone—for once—and realize you have been listening to children’s music for 20 minutes. You are starting to resemble a magician. You can pull things out of your purse to assist you in handling the children, things that aren’t typically found in a purse—a small toy, a Band-Aid, a snack, a diaper—the list could go on and on. You wonder at least once a day if you are clinically insane. And finally, at the end of the day when your child is all snuggled up in bed, you look at that innocent, sweet face and think, Wow, I am so lucky you are mine. To learn a little more about me and my blog, check out: About Lauren You may also enjoy: Moms Have Tantrums Too or How to Survive a Beach Trip with Kids

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What Does It Mean to Be a Parent?

Sometimes I find myself wondering…

Here are some answers I come up with. It means…

We are strong, but not too strong. We show our kids we all go through difficult times and that we can get through them. At the same time, that doesn’t mean we cannot show emotion as we get there. We are brave, but not too brave. We show our kids we can face the world and its challenges with bravery, but also show them that it’s okay to waver sometimes. We show them that wavering doesn’t make us weak. We teach them patience. We show them we can bite our tongues when we are furious—in the big things and the small (like when tying a shoe for the 100th time). But, we show them we can learn from the times we aren’t patient too. We are disciplinarians. We discipline our children, but find a way to show love at the same time. All in all, I think being a parent means balance. Being a parent doesn’t mean perfection. It means being the best role models we can be, but when we aren’t we find ways to teach. I think these lessons will be what stick with our children the longest. So, we are a balance. To me, it seems like something in the middle is great—and I like that! So, let’s stop giving ourselves a hard time thinking we aren’t good or perfect enough. Let’s be mediocre and be okay with it!

“They say” being a parent is the hardest job in the world. I agree. So I will try not to add perfection as a requirement.

  To learn a little more about me and my blog check out: About Lauren You may also enjoy: You Know You’re the Parent of a Toddler When…

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