About Lauren
Hey guys! Welcome to my blog. I am a licensed school counselor turned stay-at-home mom and writer. My husband and I are blessed blessed with three wonderful children, ages one, four, and six. A little about me—I love the water, baking, getting creative, and traveling, especially to new places. Typically, you can find me loving on my kids and spending time with my family. I am currently trying to slow down and enjoy life right where I am, soaking up and enjoying each moment. This is how I aspire to live my life.
I have a bachelor’s degree in science (Psychology major and Sociology minor), and a master’s degree in counselor education (M.Ed.). I wouldn’t call myself a parenting expert exactly, but I believe all parents are experts at raising their own children. After all, no one knows your kids better than you!
My blog is about what “they say”—what we hear and read—versus what “we say”: using our own intuition. After I had children, there was really nothing else that mattered more; nothing more fulfilling or important. Having children feels like the purpose of my life. As parents, we put a tremendous amount of pressure on ourselves, not to mention the added pressures from media, friends, and family. Parents today are bombarded by what “they say” on the internet, constant comparisons, and the picture-perfect images we see on social media.
They say parenting is hard. Well, I think they are correct! It is hard—period. It is especially hard when we are constantly comparing ourselves to what we see and hear. It is hard when we try to find answers but all we find in the end is conflicting information. With so many “rules” and opinions, it’s impossible to know what is best.
Social media and internet searches cause us to question ourselves as parents. We compare ourselves to each other rather than standing strong together and building each other up. The idea of a right and wrong way to do things creates anxiety. Here’s the truth: there is no one right way.
This line of thinking inspired me to write my first book (coming soon from Mascot Books) and to start this blog. I am a regular mom sorting through all this information just like you, trying to figure it all out. I have learned parenting is not black or white; it’s varied shades of grey and a lot of just doing what works.
In my blog, I will challenge what they say and help you through parenting tough spots. I will share ideas and lessons that have pulled me through my parenting journey—things that have made life easier—while sharing honest and unfiltered experiences.
The goal of my blog is to help parents realize three things:
1) We are not alone.
2) We are great parents, mistakes and all. It’s okay not to be perfect. In fact, it may even be better.
3) We don’t always have to listen to what “they say”—there’s no substitute for experience.
I hope my blog will be an uplifting place people can visit to feel better about themselves as parents; a place where one can leave feeling confident, knowing they are in fact doing the right thing: what they feel is best. I hope my readers find being a good parent doesn’t mean being perfect; that mistakes and all, we are perfect in our children’s eyes and that is what counts.
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Instagram at @TheySayParenting or send me an email at
lauren!at!theysayparenting.com if you’d like to connect!