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Author Interview: Lauren Jumrukovski on Blaif Magazine
(Posted on Thursday, October 3, 2019)

I am super excited to be featured on Blaif Magazine this week, talking about my personal experiences as a parent and my new book, They Say – Not Your Average Parenting Book.
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“Becoming a parent comes with a lot of challenges, the biggest one being understanding when to listen to “what they say” and when to ignore it and follow your gut. Lauren Jumrukovski, author of They Say: Not Your Average Parenting Book, tells us everything about the constant struggle between doing what they say and what you think is best and the reasons why she chose to write this unconventional parenting book!” – Blaif Magazine
On this interview, I am sharing about one of my biggest parenting mistakes, how I protect my heart as a mom, when I realized listening to what “they say” wasn’t always best for my children, parenting choices I admire, when I have received judgement as a parent, and more!
“Second is recognizing that our children aren’t out in the world stumbling along blindly. We have taught them so much through their lives thus far that they can use as they navigate the world on their own. And when they falter, they know they can come to us and we can continue to teach them more.” – Lauren Jumrukovski (Author Interview for Blaif Magazine)
“I hope my book will encourage parents to be confident in their decisions, and also to realize that just because we choose to parent differently that doesn’t make any of us wrong. It would be amazing to live in a world where there is no judgement and where we all support each other and build each other up.” – Lauren Jumrukovski (Author Interview for Blaif Magazine)
Read the full interview on Blaif Magazine: Interview with Author Lauren Jumrukovski
You can grab a copy of my book here: They Say, Not Your Average Parenting Book
To learn more about Lauren and her blog, check out- About Lauren
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